Industry Updates from Housing Credit Connect

The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA)’s Housing Credit Connect is a chance for Housing Credit professionals from across the nation to network and participate in industry education provided by numerous affordable housing experts.

ProLink Solutions is proud to be a Platinum Sponsor for this year’s conference. Below are some highlights from this year’s event.


Keeping up with Compliance Technology

This session featured a panel which was hosted by Wendy Quakenbush, the Director of Multifamily Compliance at the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs.

Ryan Kim, VP of Professional Services at ProLink, was featured as a guest panelist for the session and was joined by Alex Melikan, Director of Investment Management at MRI Software/TCAM, and Mary Beth Snyder, Resident Screening Industry Principal at Yardi.

The panelists spoke of recent updates in affordable housing space including the Average Income Test (AIT) ruling, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)’s Housing Opportunity through Modernization Act (HOTMA) income and asset rules, and the NSPIRE inspection protocol, which was also published by HUD. During Ryan’s demonstration of the Procorem Tenant Portal’s recent enhancements made to support Average Income, Wendy Quakenbush commented, “our system for handling AIT is nowhere near as good as ProLink’s.”

The panelists also discussed the importance of incorporating artificial intelligence into business intelligence methods such as dashboards and analytics, which help streamline asset management in affordable housing.


Ryan Kim speaks about HOTMA during the Keeping Up with Compliance Technology panel at NCSHA’s Housing Credit Connect.


Application of the NSPIRE Protocol in Housing Credit Inspections

NCSHA also hosted a panel dedicated solely to the topic of NSPIRE, which is a hot button issue in affordable housing as of late. Panelists discussed NSPIRE, new scoring procedures, practical aspects of implementing the new standard, and common challenges properties typically encounter, as well as coordination with HUD’s physical inspection alignment initiative.

Issues discussed during the panel included how 25% of findings are related to solely smoke detectors, that landlords are often hearing the new standards are complicated and expensive, and how common on-site struggles tend to come from a lack of staff understanding on NSPIRE.



Overall, the conference highlighted the dynamic changes and ongoing challenges within the affordable housing industry, emphasizing the importance of technological advancements and continuous education. ProLink Solutions remains committed to supporting the industry through innovative solutions and active participation in pivotal discussions, demonstrating a dedication to advancing affordable housing compliance and management. We are proud to sponsor NCSHA and are looking forward to next year’s event.

Navigating Market Conditions in 2024

In 2024, navigating the real estate market has become a formidable challenge. With interest rates soaring, traditional market-rate housing deals are stalling, leaving developers, investors, and bankers/lenders looking for viable alternatives. For market-rate housing, this translates into higher mortgage rates for buyers, decreased purchasing power, and an overall cooling of demand. For developers, the increased cost of financing projects means tighter profit margins and greater financial risk. As a result, many market-rate projects are being shelved or scaled back due to unfavorable economic conditions.

This shift in the market dynamics is increasingly steering attention toward affordable housing projects, which, despite their complexities, offer unique opportunities in the current economic climate. Many of these new affordable housing opportunities are possible through promising new affordable housing programs under consideration by the federal government

Legislative Proposals

The Housing Supply Fund Act was introduced by Senator Sherrod Brown to propose creating a fund to help community development financial institutions and nonprofit housing organizations expand affordable housing options, including converting commercial properties into affordable. Meanwhile the Affordable Housing Preservation and Protection Act would provide HUD with the authority to offer loans for renovating distressed HUD-assisted housing, ensuring these properties remain affordable and are improved.

Tax Credits and Assistance Programs play a crucial role in reducing the burden on affordable housing development. They help offset the costs associated with these projects, making them financially viable for developers and attractive for investors. Here are some of the options that are available:

  • Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC): The administration seeks to expand LIHTC to build or preserve 1.2 million more affordable rental units.
  • Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit: A new proposal aims to support the building or renovation of affordable homes in underserved neighborhoods.
  • Down Payment Assistance: Proposals include up to $25,000 for first-generation homebuyers, which would help about 400,000 families.

These incentives make affordable housing projects significantly more attractive to both lenders and developers. The financial benefits provided by programs such as LIHTC and various federal and state grants can effectively reduce the overall costs and risks associated with affordable housing development. By lowering the debt burden and providing more predictable returns, these programs mitigate the impact of high interest rates. Consequently, lenders are more willing to finance affordable housing projects, seeing them as lower-risk investments with guaranteed government support.

Similarly, developers are incentivized to pursue affordable housing deals, where subsidies and tax credits improve profitability and project feasibility, compared to the uncertain and costlier market-rate housing ventures in a high-interest environment. This strategic shift not only helps developers and lenders maintain their business momentum but also contributes to addressing the ongoing affordable housing shortage.

Streamlining Tenant Data Management

Within the affordable housing landscape, one crucial aspect that is often overlooked is the seamless management of tenant data. When anticipating compliance season, it becomes paramount for housing providers to streamline their processes, ensuring efficiency and accuracy every step of the way. As an affordable housing software vendor with over two decades of industry expertise, we understand the challenges faced by housing authorities and property managers. In this post, we will explore the importance of managing tenant data ahead of time as well as offer insights on how to make the process smoother.

The Compliance Conundrum

Compliance season can be a daunting time for housing providers, marked by extensive audits and regulatory scrutiny. Ensuring compliance with various federal, state, and local regulations requires meticulous record-keeping and data management. Failure to comply can result in noncompliance fees, reputational damage, and even loss of funding, making it imperative for property managers to have their data in order.

The Importance of Proactive Data Management

Managing tenant data ahead of time not only eases the burden during compliance season but also enhances overall operational efficiency. By maintaining accurate and up-to-date tenant records throughout the year, housing providers can identify potential issues early on and take proactive measures to address them. From income verification to lease agreements, having a comprehensive database allows for timely interventions and better decision-making.

Building a Seamless System

A seamless data management system is essential for housing providers to navigate the complexities of regulatory compliance effectively. From capturing tenant information to submitting reports to regulators, every stage of the process must be integrated into a cohesive system. This not only reduces the risk of errors but also saves time and resources that can be allocated to other critical tasks.

Best Practices for Tenant Data Management

  1. Centralized Database: Maintain a centralized database to store all tenant-related information, ensuring easy access and retrieval when needed.
  2. Regular Updates: Regularly update tenant records to reflect any changes in income, household composition, or lease agreements. This ensures data accuracy and compliance with eligibility criteria.
  3. Automated Workflows: Implement automated workflows to streamline data collection, verification, and reporting processes. This reduces manual errors and accelerates response times.
  4. Secure Data Storage: Prioritize data security to safeguard sensitive tenant information against unauthorized access or breaches. Utilize encryption, access controls, and regular audits to ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
  5. Training and Education: Provide training to staff members on proper data management practices and compliance requirements. Empowering employees with the necessary skills and knowledge enhances overall efficiency and reduces the likelihood of compliance errors.


Proactive tenant data management is not just a best practice—it’s a necessity. By adopting a systematic approach to data collection, verification, and reporting, housing providers can navigate compliance season with confidence while improving overall operational efficiency. As industry experts in affordable housing software solutions, we are committed to supporting housing authorities and property managers in their quest for excellence. Let’s work towards building a future where affordable housing is not just a goal but a reality for all.

Importance of Successful Implementation & Adoption

In the realm of affordable housing, where resources are often limited and demand is high, the role of technology in streamlining processes and improving efficiency cannot be overstated. State housing finance agencies (HFAs) play a critical role in addressing the housing needs of low- and moderate-income individuals and families. For software companies providing solutions to these agencies, as well as for the agencies themselves, it is imperative to understand the importance of successful implementation and adoption of technology in this sector.

Importance of Successful Implementation

Successful implementation of software solutions in the affordable housing industry is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Efficiency and Streamlined Processes: Implementing software can automate manual tasks, streamline workflows, and reduce the administrative burden on housing agencies. This efficiency allows agencies to serve their constituents more effectively as well as allocate resources where they are needed most.
  2. Data Management and Reporting: Software solutions enable HFAs to collect, manage, and analyze data more effectively. This data-driven approach helps agencies make informed decisions, track performance metrics, and demonstrate accountability to stakeholders.
  3. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: The affordable housing industry is subject to numerous regulatory requirements and reporting obligations. A well-implemented software solution can help HFAs stay compliant with regulations, mitigate risks, and avoid costly penalties.

Key Considerations for Successful Implementation

When implementing software solutions for state HFAs, several key considerations can help ensure success:

  1. Customization and Flexibility: Every housing agency operates differently, with unique processes and requirements. Therefore, it is essential for software solutions to be customizable and adaptable to accommodate the specific needs of each agency.
  2. Training and Support: Adequate training and ongoing support are essential for successful adoption of software solutions. Housing agency staff members need to be trained on how to use the software effectively and provided with ongoing support to address any issues or questions that may arise. It is normal and expected that subsequent training or configuration needs will arise over time as staff and business processes evolve.
  3. Integration with Existing Systems: Many housing agencies already have existing systems and databases in place. It is important for new software solutions to integrate seamlessly with these systems to minimize disruption and ensure data consistency.

Importance of Adoption

Successful implementation is only part of the battle; achieving widespread adoption of software solutions is also incredibly important. Without user buy-in and engagement, even the most advanced technology will not deliver its full potential benefits.

Here are a few key ways to help encourage more widespread adoption:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: Software solutions should have an intuitive, user-friendly interface that makes it easy for housing agency staff members to navigate and use the system effectively.
  2. Stakeholder Engagement: Involving key stakeholders, including agency staff, management, and external partners, in the implementation process can help foster buy-in and ownership of the new technology.
  3. Clear Communication and Training: Clear communication about the purpose and benefits of the software solution, along with comprehensive training programs, can help ensure that users understand how the technology will improve their workflows and productivity.

In conclusion, successful implementation and adoption of software solutions are essential for state HFAs to effectively address the complex challenges of the affordable housing industry. By considering key factors such as customization, training, integration, and user engagement, software companies can help housing agencies leverage technology to improve efficiency, compliance, and outcomes for low- and moderate-income individuals and families.

If you are interested in learning more about ProLink Solutions’ approach to implementation and adoption, you can attend our webinar on Wednesday, March 6th at 3 p.m. ET titled “Implementation & Adoption Retrospective.” Click here to register for the webinar.

New Compliance Services for State HFAs

Let’s face it: Compliance can be a difficult and arduous process. State Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) play a crucial role in facilitating affordable housing solutions for communities. However, the tenant event process has presented several challenges for HFAs, requiring them to navigate complexities in Procorem and XML expertise, increased collaboration with owner/agents, and addressing concerns related to valid XML data generation. In this blog post, we’ll explore these difficulties and introduce a new solution to the challenges HFAs face when handling compliance.

Common Challenges

Procorem and XML Expertise Requirements

HFAs are currently expected to possess expertise not only in the Procorem platform but also in understanding XML. This dual requirement makes the tenant event process complex and time-consuming, hindering the efficiency of HFAs in their essential duties.

Increased Engagement with Owner/Agents

The evolving nature of tenant events necessitates HFAs to work more closely with owner/agents. This increased requirement for direct engagement can lead to communication challenges, potential misunderstandings, and delays in the overall process.

Training and Support Obligations

HFAs are burdened with the responsibility of providing training and ongoing support for the tenant event process. This can strain resources and divert attention from other critical tasks that HFAs need to manage.

Responding to Concerns Regarding XML Data

HFAs must address all concerns related to generating valid XML data. This involves troubleshooting, resolving errors, and ensuring that the data aligns with Procorem standards, adding an additional layer of complexity to their responsibilities.

All of these can additionally result in an increased workload for HFAs as well as additional skill requirements from staff.

The Solution

Marketing & Communication Templates

We provide pre-designed marketing and communication templates, simplifying your ability to effectively communicate the tenant event process to partner and allowing them to be well-informed and engaged throughout the tenant event process.

Tenant Event Portal Training for your Partners

ProLink is offering Procorem Compliance Workshop Trainings. Our goal is to enable your partners to be more efficient in independently managing tenant events, reducing the learning curve and improving overall efficiency.

Program Compliance Support for HFAs and their Partners

ProLink acknowledges the compliance challenges faced by HFAs and their partners. To address this, we are introducing Program Compliance Support. ProLink consulting staff are the first line of support in helping owner/agents upload their data into Procorem as required to meet their compliance needs. We will reconcile, populate and monitor external changes made to your data to ensure accuracy and program setup.

Correct Tenant Data for the Owner/Agent and Reconcile with ProLinkHFA

ProLink will work directly with owner/agents to correct tenant data in their source system and generate valid XML data for upload to the Procorem Tenant Event Portal. This proactive approach helps in avoiding errors and ensures that the data submitted is accurate and compliant.

Customized Exception Resolution and Escalation Procedure

ProLink will assist your team in creating procedures for exception resolution and escalation. This customized approach ensures that problems are resolved with minimal disruption to the overall tenant event process.



By recognizing and addressing the difficulties faced by HFAs in the tenant event process, ProLink aims to enhance the overall efficiency, compliance, and communication within the housing finance ecosystem. These solutions empower HFAs, allowing them to focus on their core responsibilities while ensuring a smooth and error-free tenant event process. By providing the necessary tools, training, and support, ProLink aims to empower HFAs in their mission to create affordable housing solutions for communities nationwide.

If you are interested in this new service offering, please reach out to for more information or to schedule a call.

Implementing NSPIRE Inspection Standards in ProLinkHFA

In the ever-evolving landscape of property inspections, staying ahead of the curve is essential for ensuring the highest standards of safety, quality, and compliance. ProLink is proud to be one of the first software company within the HFA space to implement the new NSPIRE (National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate) standards in our software.

The NSPIRE standards represent a paradigm shift from the familiar UPCS (Uniform Physical Condition Standards) to a more comprehensive and dynamic approach. UPCS has served us well, but as the industry advances, so must our tools.

What is NSPIRE?

NSPIRE is a new protocol implemented on July 1st, 2023. It is designed to streamline the inspection process and create better standards for safety. It also serves as a replacement for UPCS, which was used to evaluate HUD (Housing and Urban Development) housing across multiple programs.

The NSPIRE standards are meant to align and consolidate the two sets of physical inspection regulations used to evaluate HUD housing across multiple programs: the Housing Quality Standards (HQS) and UPCS. The final rule establishes a new approach to defining and assessing housing quality.

By implementing NSPIRE standards in ProLinkHFA, we are helping to ensure our software is up-to-date, and that our clients are able to stay compliant with the new standards.

Key Features of NSPIRE

NSPIRE introduces several enhancements that redefine how we approach property inspections. Here are some key features that set NSPIRE apart:

  1. Holistic Evaluation: NSPIRE takes a holistic approach to property inspections, considering not only the physical condition but also the overall quality of living for residents. This broader perspective allows for a more accurate and insightful assessment.
  2. Modernized Technology Integration: With technology playing an increasingly pivotal role in inspections, NSPIRE embraces modern tools and methodologies. Our software seamlessly integrates with these technological advancements, ensuring a smoother and more efficient inspection process.
  3. Data-driven Decision Making: NSPIRE encourages data-driven decision-making by emphasizing the collection and analysis of relevant information. This shift from subjective evaluations to objective data ensures greater accuracy and transparency in the inspection process.
  4. Adaptability to Changing Regulations: In an environment where regulations are constantly evolving, NSPIRE provides a framework that is adaptable to future changes. This flexibility ensures that our software remains relevant and compliant with emerging standards.

The Benefits of Adopting NSPIRE in Our Software

By integrating NSPIRE standards into ProLinkHFA, we are offering our users a range of benefits that go beyond compliance:

  1. Enhanced Accuracy: NSPIRE’s comprehensive evaluation criteria contribute to more accurate assessments, reducing the margin of error in property inspections.
  2. Improved Efficiency: The modernized technology integration streamlines the inspection process, making it more efficient and less time-consuming.
  3. Greater Transparency: The shift towards data-driven decision-making enhances transparency, providing stakeholders with a clearer understanding of inspection outcomes.
  4. Future-Proof Solutions: Our commitment to NSPIRE reflects our dedication to providing future-proof solutions. As the industry continues to evolve, our software will evolve with it, ensuring that our users remain at the forefront of innovation.

The adoption of NSPIRE standards marks a significant milestone in our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions that not only meet current standards but also anticipate and adapt to the future needs of the industry. Together, let’s continue to set new benchmarks in property inspections and contribute to a safer, more sustainable future.

Managing Outsourced Services with In-House Technology

In today’s dynamic business environment, companies face the constant challenge of staying agile and competitive. One strategy that has gained prominence is outsourcing services. When does it make sense to outsource, and what factors should businesses consider when making this crucial decision? Furthermore, how can organizations effectively manage outsourced services alongside their in-house technology? Let’s explore these questions to provide a comprehensive guide for businesses contemplating outsourcing.

When Does it Make Sense to Outsource?

Outsourcing becomes a strategic move under various circumstances. Here are key scenarios where it often makes sense:

  1. Resource and Skill Gaps:
    • When faced with tasks requiring specialized skills not readily available in-house, outsourcing becomes a viable solution. External experts can bridge the resource gap and bring a new perspective to complex projects.
    • Similarly, staff augmentation is beneficial when you need to enhance your team’s capabilities for a specific project without committing to permanent hires.
  2. Cost Efficiency:
    • Outsourcing often makes sense when cost efficiency is a priority. External providers can offer economies of scale, reducing operational costs compared to maintaining a large in-house team.
    • Staff augmentation allows companies to scale their workforce up or down based on project demands, providing cost flexibility.
  3. Focus on Core Competencies:
    • By outsourcing non-core functions, businesses can focus on their core competencies, improving overall efficiency and competitiveness.
    • Augmenting staff for specific tasks ensures that your core team can concentrate on what they do best, while external experts handle specialized work.
  4. Project Complexity and Time Sensitivity:
    • Complex projects with tight deadlines benefit from outsourcing, as external teams can contribute additional resources and expertise.
    • When timelines are critical, augmenting staff allows for quick access to skilled professionals, accelerating project completion.

How to Manage Outsourced Services with In-House Technology

Effective management is crucial for the success of outsourced services working in tandem with in-house technology:

  1. Clear Communication Channels: Establish transparent communication channels between in-house teams and external vendors. ProLink’s secure collaboration platform, Procorem, offers a number of tools to keep teams informed and regularly updated.
  2. Collaborative Tools: Explore possibilities with your technology provider to streamline data collection and information sharing from outsourced service providers. The ProLinkHFA software suite, which includes Procorem, offers data collection tools to automate the collection and sharing of data.
  3. Defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Establish clear KPIs to measure the performance of both in-house and outsourced teams. This ensures accountability and enables continuous improvement. ProLinkHFA offers numerous reporting tools to keep internal and external contributors aligned and accountable using real-time data.
  4. Data Security Protocols: Implement robust data security protocols to safeguard sensitive information, especially when working with external partners. For example, Procorem uses the HTTPS protocol secured with the latest TLS encryption methods. We also encourage our customers to take advantage of our SSO (single sign-on) capabilities.
  5. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and address potential cultural differences to foster a collaborative and inclusive working environment.

The Impact of a Unified System

A unified system ensures seamless collaboration, consistent communication, and streamlined processes. It enhances transparency, efficiency, and the ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. A well-integrated system that combines in-house technology with outsourced services and staff augmentation can amplify productivity and innovation, providing a competitive edge in the ever-evolving business landscape.

In conclusion, the decision to outsource and leverage staff augmentation should be rooted in a thoughtful evaluation of your business needs and goals. By carefully considering the outlined factors and implementing effective management practices, businesses can not only navigate the complexities of outsourcing but also unlock the full potential of a unified system that brings diverse talents together for collective success.

Preparing for Tenant Compliance

In the world of affordable housing, ensuring tenant compliance is not just a goal; it’s a necessity. As a software supplier in the affordable housing industry, we understand that tenant compliance is a top priority for our customers. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of tenant compliance, the challenges affordable housing providers face, and how our software solutions can help you prepare for this critical aspect of property management.

The Importance of Tenant Compliance

Tenant compliance is the cornerstone of successful affordable housing management. Here’s why it’s so important:

  1. Regulatory Compliance: Affordable housing properties are subject to a complex web of federal, state, and local regulations. Compliance is often a legal requirement and not just a best practice.
  2. Asset Preservation: Ensuring tenants abide by lease agreements and community rules helps protect your property’s condition and value, enabling you to safeguard your investment.
  3. Resource Allocation: Compliance ensures that the limited affordable housing resources are allocated fairly and are able to reach those who genuinely need assistance.
  4. Sustainability: The long-term success of affordable housing programs depends on tenants adhering to compliance standards.

Challenges in Achieving Tenant Compliance

Achieving tenant compliance can be challenging for affordable housing providers due to various factors:

  1. Complex Regulations: Affordable housing regulations are intricate and can vary by state. Staying updated and compliant is a continuous effort.
  2. Tenant Turnover: Frequent tenant turnover can make it challenging to maintain consistent compliance across properties.
  3. Communication Barriers: Some tenants may face language or accessibility barriers, making it difficult for them to understand and comply with regulations.
  4. Documentation and Reporting: Keeping accurate records and reports can be time-consuming and can also be prone to errors, especially if it’s done in a manner that is manual.

How Our Software Solutions Can Help

We understand the unique challenges our customers face in achieving tenant compliance, and that’s why our software solutions are designed to assist you in preparing for and managing tenant compliance efficiently.

  1. Compliance Tracking: ProLinkHFA is a suite of tools built specifically for the affordable housing industry, allowing you to address the various parts of affordable housing, from tax credit allocation and tracking tenant compliance to asset management. It’s also designed to handle multiple compliance standards, helping you stay organized and audit-ready.
  2. Training and Support: We provide comprehensive training and ongoing support to ensure you’re making the most of our software. Stay updated on regulatory changes and industry best practices with our assistance.
  3. Data Security: We prioritize data security and compliance within our software, ensuring the protection of sensitive tenant information and adherence to privacy regulations.
  4. Regular Updates: We stay informed about changes in affordable housing regulations and are always making efforts to update our software accordingly.


Preparing for tenant compliance is a vital aspect of affordable housing management, and our software solutions are here to support you every step of the way. We will always aim to empower you to manage compliance efficiently, contribute to the success of your affordable housing initiatives, and ensure the long-term sustainability of your properties.


Importance of Pro Forma in Compliance Monitoring

Using pro forma data for compliance monitoring of Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) projects is not only beneficial but also essential for government agencies involved in administering the LIHTC program. Here’s are several reasons why government agencies should use pro forma data for compliance monitoring of LIHTC projects:

  1. Regulatory Requirements: LIHTC projects are subject to a complex set of regulations and requirements imposed by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state housing agencies. Pro forma data can serve as a benchmark for compliance with these regulations. Monitoring actual project performance against the pro forma ensures adherence to these requirements.
  2. Income and Rent Restrictions: Pro forma data typically includes projections of tenant income levels and rent restrictions, which are critical aspects of LIHTC compliance. Monitoring actual tenant income and rent levels against these projections helps ensure that the project continues to meet the income limits and affordability standards required by the LIHTC program.
  3. Tenant Eligibility: LIHTC projects are required to certify tenant eligibility based on income. Pro forma data can include estimates of tenant eligibility criteria and the number of eligible tenants. Agencies can use this information to verify that tenants occupying the units meet the eligibility criteria.
  4. Operating Costs: Pro forma data includes estimates of operating costs for LIHTC projects. Monitoring actual operating costs against these projections is crucial for ensuring that the project remains financially viable and that operational expenses are within allowable limits.
  5. Compliance Reporting: Pro forma data provides a structured basis for compliance reporting. Government agencies can use this data to track and report on whether LIHTC projects are meeting their compliance obligations, which is essential for transparency and accountability.
  6. Timely Intervention: Regularly comparing actual performance to pro forma projections allows government agencies to detect compliance issues early. This enables timely intervention and corrective actions to address any deviations from regulatory requirements.
  7. Data-Driven Decision-Making: Pro forma data facilitates data-driven decision-making in compliance monitoring. Agencies can use this data to determine whether projects continue to meet LIHTC requirements, whether adjustments are needed, or whether penalties or incentives should be applied based on compliance performance.
  8. Risk Mitigation: Monitoring pro forma data for compliance helps agencies identify and mitigate financial and operational risks that could jeopardize the project’s eligibility for LIHTC benefits or its long-term financial sustainability.
  9. Alignment with Policy Goals: Pro forma data allows government agencies to ensure that LIHTC projects align with their policy objectives related to affordable housing, community development, and social welfare.
  10. Resource Allocation: Government agencies have limited resources for administering LIHTC programs. Pro forma data assists agencies in making informed decisions about the allocation of resources to projects that demonstrate compliance and effectiveness.

Using pro forma data for compliance monitoring of LIHTC projects is essential for ensuring that these projects fulfill their obligations under the LIHTC program. It promotes transparency, accountability, and the efficient use of government resources while helping to maintain the affordability and impact of LIHTC-assisted housing. ProLinkHFA allows our agency clients to import pro forma data from an application with the click of a button, automatically saving each year’s pro forma to be benchmarked against budget and actual results, improving asset management and compliance monitoring for all affordable housing properties.

ProLinkHFA Average Income Regulatory Updates

As the industry continues to grapple with the Average Income Test (AIT), ProLink is making changes to the Tenant Portal in order to better support average income properties. These updates reflect our commitment to inclusivity and responsiveness to the unique needs of different property types. This quarter, the ProLinkHFA release includes updates to support average income set-asides.


What is the Average Income Test?

October of 2022 marked the release of the newest temporary guidelines regarding the Average Income Test. These regulations bring clarity to the criteria for designating a unit as low-income according to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 42. In general, for a unit to be considered low-income under Section 42, it must be suitable for occupancy and occupied by a household who is income- and rent-restricted at the applicable area median income (AMI) for the unit. These regulations broadened the scope of what a low-income unit is under the AIT to now include that the unit as part of a qualified group of units.


What is the minimum set-aside?

The minimum set-aside establishes the essential baseline for both the required number of tax credit units and the corresponding income limits that pertain to the property. Up until 2018, there existed three alternatives: 20-50, 25-60, and 40-60. Commencing from 2018 onwards, two supplementary “average test” options were introduced, thereby expanding the total potential minimum set-aside configurations to five.


How is Average Income Supported in ProLinkHFA?

The new ProLinkHFA update includes the following new average income data views:

  • AIT Unit Designations—Includes fields specific to the AIT Unit Designation record, as well as fields related to the property, building, and unit.
  • AIT Qualified Group of Units—Includes fields specific to the AIT Qualified Group of Units record, as well as fields related to the property and building.
  • AIT Applicable Fraction Group—Includes fields specific to the AIT Applicable Fraction Group record, as well as fields related to the property and building.

ProLink is also updating the XML importer to accept NAHMA XML version 7, which includes new attributes for average income properties. The imported records will include both tenant event records and AIT Unit Designation, Qualified Group of Units, and Applicable Fraction Group records.

We highly recommend using Version 7 for average income properties to ensure efficient compliance evaluation. Otherwise, beginning in 2024, owner/agents will need to enter the designations manually.


Kelly Encinias, HFA Senior Product Manager at ProLink, will also be speaking on a panel at Housing Colorado titled “Average Income Test Policies and Reporting” on Wednesday, October 11 at 10:45 a.m. MST. Click here to learn more about the event and register.