Managing Outsourced Services with In-House Technology

In today’s dynamic business environment, companies face the constant challenge of staying agile and competitive. One strategy that has gained prominence is outsourcing services. When does it make sense to outsource, and what factors should businesses consider when making this crucial decision? Furthermore, how can organizations effectively manage outsourced services alongside their in-house technology? Let’s explore these questions to provide a comprehensive guide for businesses contemplating outsourcing.

When Does it Make Sense to Outsource?

Outsourcing becomes a strategic move under various circumstances. Here are key scenarios where it often makes sense:

  1. Resource and Skill Gaps:
    • When faced with tasks requiring specialized skills not readily available in-house, outsourcing becomes a viable solution. External experts can bridge the resource gap and bring a new perspective to complex projects.
    • Similarly, staff augmentation is beneficial when you need to enhance your team’s capabilities for a specific project without committing to permanent hires.
  2. Cost Efficiency:
    • Outsourcing often makes sense when cost efficiency is a priority. External providers can offer economies of scale, reducing operational costs compared to maintaining a large in-house team.
    • Staff augmentation allows companies to scale their workforce up or down based on project demands, providing cost flexibility.
  3. Focus on Core Competencies:
    • By outsourcing non-core functions, businesses can focus on their core competencies, improving overall efficiency and competitiveness.
    • Augmenting staff for specific tasks ensures that your core team can concentrate on what they do best, while external experts handle specialized work.
  4. Project Complexity and Time Sensitivity:
    • Complex projects with tight deadlines benefit from outsourcing, as external teams can contribute additional resources and expertise.
    • When timelines are critical, augmenting staff allows for quick access to skilled professionals, accelerating project completion.

How to Manage Outsourced Services with In-House Technology

Effective management is crucial for the success of outsourced services working in tandem with in-house technology:

  1. Clear Communication Channels: Establish transparent communication channels between in-house teams and external vendors. ProLink’s secure collaboration platform, Procorem, offers a number of tools to keep teams informed and regularly updated.
  2. Collaborative Tools: Explore possibilities with your technology provider to streamline data collection and information sharing from outsourced service providers. The ProLinkHFA software suite, which includes Procorem, offers data collection tools to automate the collection and sharing of data.
  3. Defined Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Establish clear KPIs to measure the performance of both in-house and outsourced teams. This ensures accountability and enables continuous improvement. ProLinkHFA offers numerous reporting tools to keep internal and external contributors aligned and accountable using real-time data.
  4. Data Security Protocols: Implement robust data security protocols to safeguard sensitive information, especially when working with external partners. For example, Procorem uses the HTTPS protocol secured with the latest TLS encryption methods. We also encourage our customers to take advantage of our SSO (single sign-on) capabilities.
  5. Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and address potential cultural differences to foster a collaborative and inclusive working environment.

The Impact of a Unified System

A unified system ensures seamless collaboration, consistent communication, and streamlined processes. It enhances transparency, efficiency, and the ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. A well-integrated system that combines in-house technology with outsourced services and staff augmentation can amplify productivity and innovation, providing a competitive edge in the ever-evolving business landscape.

In conclusion, the decision to outsource and leverage staff augmentation should be rooted in a thoughtful evaluation of your business needs and goals. By carefully considering the outlined factors and implementing effective management practices, businesses can not only navigate the complexities of outsourcing but also unlock the full potential of a unified system that brings diverse talents together for collective success.

Bri Kreuter


As Executive Vice President of ProLink Solutions and Secretary of the Board of Directors, Bri has more than 12 years of experience in financial technology focused on affordable housing.

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